
Consider the bird.
Birds don’t sow or reap like humans.
They don’t even store their grains in a barn.
But unlike the birds, I sow. I reap.
I collect a harvest. And I store it in a savings account.
Then I look at those bank savings and worry.
I worry that I don’t have enough.
I worry about paying back loans.
I look at the numbers in my bank.
I fail to look to God.
Birds don’t work in an office.
Or get a salary. Or have a bank account.
It is God who feeds them their daily manna.
Am I not of much more value than a bird?
Then why do I grow weary?
God, my maker, knows I have need of certain things.
I just need to trust His Providence.
Consider the flower.
Flowers don’t toil or spin.
They don’t even clothe themselves in costly array.
But unlike the flowers, I labour. I toil. I spin.
And then I fret and I covet.
I complain that I don’t have the best.
I complain that my clothes are too old,
and my nail paint too bold.
I look into the mirror and feel discontent.
I fail to look into God’s eyes.
Flowers don’t complain about their weight or height,
or their tan or texture.
It is God who Himself crafts and styles the flower.
Am I not of much more value than a flower?
Then why do I bother with society’s standards?
God, my maker, has fearfully and wonderfully styled me.
I just need to rest in His worth.
Consider the ant.
Ants are busy at work and very wise.
They don’t need a supervisor.
But unlike the ant, I am idle and forgetful.
I am in need of notes and constant reminders.
Ants work hard in summer to gather their supply for winter.
But I am lazy and foolish.
I don’t want to sweat when it’s summer.
So I just fold my hands
and end up craving in winter.
God, my maker, has created me for good works,  
which He has prepared beforehand for me to do.
Am I not created to be much more responsible than the ant?
Then why do I fail to redeem my time,
knowing well that the days are evil?
I need to consider carefully how I walk,
not as unwise but as wise.
And work heartily in whatever I do,
as for God, not for man or myself.
Consider Jesus.
“Consider Him who endured… such hostility against himself,
so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.” – Heb 12:3
“Who accomplished the work that He was given to do.” – John 17:4
“Consider the steadfast love of the Lord.” – Psalm 107:43
“Consider what great things He has done for you.” – 1 Sam 12:24
“Consider yourselves dead to sin,
(dead to worrying, to fretting,
to complaining, to laziness)
and alive to God in Christ Jesus.” – Rom 6:11
So today, may we stop worrying.
Stop fretting.
Stop complaining.
Stop lazing.
“Stop and consider the wondrous works of God.” – Job 37:14
What are you considering today?
Written by Joy Shekyna.
A dentist working in a Gospel-mission clinic. Cheers for second chances and life for those on the margins. Loves reading at odd hours and cleaning the odd places. In her free time, you will find her clearing space on her phone.

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