The Challenge: Proverbs 31:10–31
I have wrestled with this passage on the noble woman more than any other passage in the Bible. If you are a married lady, chances are this passage has been shared with you more times than you can remember. If you are engaged to be married, brace yourself. It’s going to keep coming.
My biggest struggle with this passage was not because I didn’t understand it. No, my biggest challenge was that I was nothing like this woman. For instance, I don’t particularly enjoy cooking and usually jump for joy at the chance of take-out meals. I also tend to have a love-hate relationship with mornings unless a cup of coffee has been consumed. I love spending my days at home, dressed in my super-comfy, old and tattered yoga pants and top. And I also need occasional time-outs where I can unwind from my responsibilities. This lady in this passage? She is a ‘superwoman’ – one that I can never be.
Reality Check
When our kids were smaller, they used to say, “Daddy is the head of the family but mommy is the boss!” True story. As funny as this statement sounds, I won’t deny the fact that there is an element of truth in this. Allow me to explain.
To all my fellow labourers in Christ, especially the women and specifically the mothers, I hope we have come to realise by now that God has made us very influential – especially within our families. It doesn’t take long to realise that a mother has a stronger power of influence over her child than anyone else. Our influence, whether we acknowledge it or not, is profound and yet scary at the same time.
The Transformation
I can recall how I would give a mental eye-roll every time a good friend, sincerely looking out for my well-being, would enthusiastically share this portion of the Scripture with me. What I failed to realise during those times was that God, in His loving mercy, was already working deep within my heart.
Little by little, He was slowly chipping away my unbelief and rewiring my thought patterns. I did not receive any divine, heavenly assurance, nor did I receive some life-transforming prophetic vision. All I know is that my heart had been prepared to receive new revelation – that our character far outweighs the task at hand.
You see, if you are a task-oriented person like me, you would have probably concentrated on what the noble woman did. Once our character and heart start aligning with God’s, the task we undertake will merely be an outflow of what He is doing within us. As much as the noble woman is commended for the incredible work she does, she is ‘praised’ because she is “a woman who fears the Lord” (vs 30).
To those who are unmarried, I urge you to not skip or skim through this portion of the Scripture. Reflect on the character of this woman – she is wisdom personified. I could definitely do with more wisdom in my life no matter what stage of life I am at.
“And as for the married men? What about them?”, you ask. “Where is their Proverbs? So not fair!”, you say. Well, it’s all very simple really. I leave you with this: “Husbands love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for us.” (Ephesians 5:25)
Contributed by Lal Zadeng Changkija
Lal, a servant of Christ, makes her home in Delhi with her husband and their two delightful daughters.