When I asked my three-year-old daughter recently if she could finish a task, her reply took me by surprise: “Just let me finish some work on the pututa (computer) first.” I laughed out loud because I realised that she was imitating a phrase I often use.
Children follow and imitate words and actions readily. The other side, however, is that they can also be fiercely self-oriented. If they don’t get their way or are challenged, they stomp their feet, stiffen their little bodies or scream like coyotes.
Having said that, I admit that it is easier to use my daughters as an example and harder to admit that I too can fall into the foolishness of wanting to take life into my own hands. I may not physically show the rebellious characteristics my children do, but it can come out in other ways. It’s so easy to project sinfulness on children and think we are more righteous because we are older.
But physical or mental maturity doesn’t necessarily make me any better than a child. Rebellion comes quickly to me, too. It is easier to gratify the desires of my ‘needs’ and ‘wants’ than to deny myself and take up the cross of Jesus daily. It is harder to open my palms in surrender than to clench my fists, ready to fight back. It is harder to forgive than to find excuses not to. To make my kids say sorry to me seems more reasonable, but it’s tougher to admit my unrighteous anger and seek their forgiveness.
And that is why I am learning daily how much I need Jesus. I need Him just as much as my kids need Him. I need Him to break my pride, to bring humility and gentleness, to resist temptations, to not hit back, to say sorry and to forgive. I need Jesus because only Jesus can truly align my little universe to focus not on me but on Him.
I am learning to tell my children how Jesus has helped their mama to be transformed and continue to change to take on His characteristics. It is important for them to understand that anything worth emulating in me is not my own intrinsic goodness; rather, it is the finished work of Jesus on the cross, the gentle whispers of the Holy Spirit and the gracious love of God.
Authored by Sharon Abraham
Sharon is an imitator of Christ, a co-worker in His service, a wife to Jonny and a mom and teacher to two very unique and precious girls.