
Lord, Teach Me To Love My Children Right

If I teach my kids to share their toys and food, give away their crayons and pocket money, donate everything they own to charity but do not teach them the love of Christ, it is shallow. (John 3:16) If I manage to teach my kids every verse in the Bible, such that they can quote them with proficiency, but haven’t given them the message of grace and of how we… Read More »Lord, Teach Me To Love My Children Right

The Foe You Live With

Knock Knock Who’s there? Fear? Fear who? Your nemesis! Fear. What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear or see this word? Incidents or images may come rushing in. Maybe you’ve woken up sweating from having dreamed a nightmare. Do you have fears? Some are afraid of relationships, the future, sickness, finances, death, flying, sailing – the list is endless. Is fear always bad? Not really.… Read More »The Foe You Live With

Life-Changing Words

“Words are pale shadows of forgotten names. As names have power, words have power. Words can light fires in the minds of men. Words can wring tears from the hardest hearts.” – Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of Wind I have long been intrigued by the power of words and what they can do to a soul. My two-year-old loves to talk and spoke his first word when he was only… Read More »Life-Changing Words

Overcoming My Fears

Ever since I was old enough to understand evil spirits, I had been frightened yet strangely fascinated by them. All those “ghost stories” I’d hear from friends and relatives had a deep impact on me. Little did I realise that those harmless things could affect my life. I remember how, as a little girl of about 7 or 8 years, I would be scared to even walk from room to… Read More »Overcoming My Fears

Random Musings About the Word of God

1. Jesus said that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. Maybe that could explain why so many of God’s children are decidedly malnourished and/or crippled in their faith, tossed around by every wind of teaching propagated by false teachers. 2. The best books that purport to speak about a biblical view on manhood, womanhood, parenting, marriage, relationship, church… Read More »Random Musings About the Word of God

A Poem

The sun shines And smiles Each day, everyday Even when I don’t   And the Lord says “will” When my head goes “won’t”   On days Weeks Months when I forget To talk Or take a walk with God   He remembers me somehow, all the time Though I forget To breathe And feel Infinite love   Hold still My wavering soul In this treacherous ocean of life God wants… Read More »A Poem

How NOT to Read the Bible

From a young age, I was continually encouraged to read the Bible on my own. As I look back, I find that even though I had read the Bible for years, I did not possess a proper understanding of God. Much of my understanding about God was either incomplete or erroneous due to my immature handling of His word. Recently, I’ve discovered and unearthed hidden treasures in the Bible through systematic… Read More »How NOT to Read the Bible

The Proverbs 31 Challenge

The Challenge: Proverbs 31:10–31 I have wrestled with this passage on the noble woman more than any other passage in the Bible. If you are a married lady, chances are this passage has been shared with you more times than you can remember. If you are engaged to be married, brace yourself. It’s going to keep coming. My biggest struggle with this passage was not because I didn’t understand it.… Read More »The Proverbs 31 Challenge

3 Leadership Lessons from the Fifa World Cup 2018

Let me start with a confession: I am not an avid football fan. If you were to catch me watching something, you would more likely find me watching Teddy Bear Detectives with my kids than a league football match. However, I did grow up in England and played young league football till I was in in my teens, so I have a basic understanding of the game. I am also… Read More »3 Leadership Lessons from the Fifa World Cup 2018

How Do You Reinvent Yourself to Be Who You Want to Be?

Today, our lives are largely driven to flaunt a delusive ideology that errs in keeping a strong foundation and a clear mindset. Francis Bacon wrote, “But men must know, that in this theatre of man’s [including women] life, it is reserved only for God and angels to be lookers on (Book II, The Advancement of Learning),” and that, “Man prefers to believe what he prefers to be true (The Essays).” There… Read More »How Do You Reinvent Yourself to Be Who You Want to Be?