
You Lose, I Win

We live in a hyper-competitive world. Try getting your child into a top school in any major Indian metro. Try telling a football fan that his team is horrible compared with the others. Competition, in fact, is so inculcated into our day-to-day culture that most of us don’t see it. When it comes to our church culture, it’s often much the same: competitive churches, competitive leadership, competitive institutions and competitive… Read More »You Lose, I Win

I Love You Out Loud

We were discussing the topic of love and appreciation recently when a man got up and unashamedly said, “I have never said ‘I love you’ to my wife.” His statement took me aback. As someone who likes to say “I love you” to my wife and family as often as I can, I couldn’t fathom why anyone would never say it. “Everybody says ‘I love you’, but they don’t really… Read More »I Love You Out Loud