
Lord, Teach Me To Love My Children Right

If I teach my kids to share their toys and food, give away their crayons and pocket money, donate everything they own to charity but do not teach them the love of Christ, it is shallow. (John 3:16) If I manage to teach my kids every verse in the Bible, such that they can quote them with proficiency, but haven’t given them the message of grace and of how we… Read More »Lord, Teach Me To Love My Children Right

A Song of Love

The greatest of songs (Songs of Solomon) draws us into an intimate love narrative with eternal consequences. The shepherdess-bride feels unworthy, tainted and desperate. The king-husband brings nothing but acceptance and love without condition. He sees the depth of her beauty despite her own insecurity. He enjoys and dwells on her whole being with the choicest of imageries. He wants her with him – close, forever. Unworthiness is given eternal… Read More »A Song of Love


Consider the bird. Birds don’t sow or reap like humans. They don’t even store their grains in a barn. But unlike the birds, I sow. I reap. I collect a harvest. And I store it in a savings account. Then I look at those bank savings and worry. I worry that I don’t have enough. I worry about paying back loans. I look at the numbers in my bank. I… Read More »Consider

I Love You Out Loud

We were discussing the topic of love and appreciation recently when a man got up and unashamedly said, “I have never said ‘I love you’ to my wife.” His statement took me aback. As someone who likes to say “I love you” to my wife and family as often as I can, I couldn’t fathom why anyone would never say it. “Everybody says ‘I love you’, but they don’t really… Read More »I Love You Out Loud