
Work, Witness, Worship

When one picks up and reads the Bible, which is divinely inspired, one can’t help but notice the reference to a variety of professions. We have farmers like Adam and Noah, shepherds like Jacob and Moses, architects like Bezalel and Oholiab, goldsmiths and wine bearers, and a plethora of kings, priests, counselors and commanders. In the New Testament, we discover that Paul supported himself and his disciples by doing the… Read More »Work, Witness, Worship

Testimony of an Engineer: Vocational Calling Part 2

I really enjoy designing and making things. When I look back and think about the most formative times growing up, I remember particular moments. When I was 5 years old, my dad got me a toolbox with a real hammer and saw! I believe this was a key moment in making me an engineer; perhaps even more significant than my 4 years spent at University studying Engineering Science. The reason… Read More »Testimony of an Engineer: Vocational Calling Part 2

Called to Work: Vocational Calling Part 1

How do we determine our calling? Does God specifically guide us to particular jobs or professions? How do we as Christ followers glorify God through our work? What is the spiritual and eternal significance of our work?  I will share a little about the journey I have taken with these questions, and why I believe that whatever talents and godly passions God has given us, there is a divine purpose… Read More »Called to Work: Vocational Calling Part 1